Electric Water Pumps for BMWs.

Electric Water Pumps for BMWs.
Factory equipment in BMWs is generally of a very high standard. In fact, a high proportion of BMW engines utilise a bespoke electric water pump. There are some recorded instances however, of OEM fitment equipment failing due to the internal materials collapsing.
Most applications of a Davies Craig EWP® and accessories being attached to BMW engines or BMW bodied cars are in motorsport areas. Norwegian born drift racer Joachim Waagaard campaigns a BMW M4 fitted with a Chev LS2 engine pumping 600 horsepower and cooled by a Davies Craig EWP®150.
Seattle based J. Houser rebuilt the front end of his BMW 2002 after a minor collision. He kept the stock radiator but upgraded his cooling to a Davies Craig EWP® and LCD EWP® & Fan Digital Controller for reliability. In his own words: “The beauty of the controller is that I can set the engine temp to whatever i want and it stays rock steady, whether it be mid-winter or mid-summer.”
Peter Carrol, a BMW Club instructor, also uses and recommends Davies Craig EWP®s. He says: “On the S54s, (an engine built between 2000 to 2006) we remove the water pump impeller and ring. Then we shim the thermostat open. This flows so much better and the resulting cooling is much better. We don't have a problem with the engine not coming up to temperature. S54s run pretty hot. After warm-up water is usually around 88-90C.
The recommended EWP® for the S54, suggests Peter, is the EWP®150 and a suitable LCD EWP® & Fan Digital Controller
As an option to provide cooling for a new BMW, Davies Craig’s range of EWPs®, Thermatic fans, and even OEM replacement fan clutches for their mechanical fans can be found on our website.
Potential Issues with BMW
Reliability is a word normally associated with BMW cars and parts. But, like anything mechanical, there can be some issues.
Engines and radiators (heat exchangers) utilise a fluid called coolant. It’s a brew of liquids and chemicals that is designed to transfer heat away from the engine at temperatures above the boiling point of water. However, it’s very nature can mean it finds its way through flaws in engine blocks or via engines that have failing gaskets. This means that the engine, radiator, and water pump could be subject to impending failure and won’t be working as efficiently. The telltale signs are greenish hued streaks on the ground underneath the engine.
As most BMWs use electric water pumps already, the signs to look out for here are unusual noises and an increase of temperature at standstill. Most electric water pumps in the BMW range have plastic internals. General wear, tear, and heat related fatigue can see the plastics break and shatter. This, naturally, can lead to those parts making their way into the internals of an engine for an expensive rebuild as a result.
Benefits of a Davies Craig Electric Water Pump (EWP®) for BMW.
It’s been found that these the regular water pumps tend to fail upwards of the 100,000 kilometre mark. As a result, the change to a Davies Craig EWP® and associated products could be a life saver for the BMW’s engine and cooling system.
By fitting a brand-new Davies Craig EWP® system, this immediately takes a potential OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) part out of the equation. Some BMWs can be notoriously expensive to service and repair, especially in the engine bay, hence fitting one of our EWPs and digital controllers can save the hit to the bank balance.
And because we offer a range of EWP®s with different flow rates from 80 litres to 150 litres per minute, we can potentially provide a better working system than that originally fitted to your BMW.
www.daviescraig.com is the one stop online shop for your extra cooling needs. We’d love to hear about your installations and if you used a competitor before coming to Davies Craig. Let us know here via our social media pages.