How to Install a Davies, Craig Electric Water Pump (EWP) as an overview?

27/04/2020 12:00AM
FAQ #3 If you are planning on eliminating you current mechanical water pump you have choice of which model EWP® you wish to install in your engine’s bottom radiator hose. The EWP® models are highlighted in the FAQ as well as listed in our website
- Should you leave the existing mechanical water pump in place, we would recommend you examine the Product Selection Guide for the most appropriate model.
- All models will operate in conjunction with your existing water pump.
- Ideal for racing engines as you can install an isolation switch and allow the EWP to run-on and circulate engine coolant after engine shutdown.
- The EWP will drive the coolant through the current water pump. If you are not removing your engine thermostat then we suggest you drill 2 x 5mm holes through either side of the plate to assist with circulation.
- Our recommendation - delete the mechanical water pump (remove the impeller from the water pump jacket or place a blank off plate with a 38mm inlet) and thermostat from the engine
- Full installation instructions are provided with each kit.
- Davies Craig’s website for further information