11/09/2024 12:00AM | By John Benson
Davies Craig Electric Water Pump ~ size and performance.
It’s said that size doesn’t matter. Vehicle engines are supplied in a va...
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23/05/2024 12:00AM | By John Benson
One significant advance in fuel economy, emissions reduction and power train performance lies within one single area of the vehicle: the engine’s cooling system.
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20/11/2023 12:00AM | By Paul Jenkins
One issue I had early on was cooling, there are two headers in a very small engine bay, and the maximum frontal area of the radiator is limited to around 11 inches, which quite honestly is too small for a mildly tuned V8.
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11/10/2022 12:00AM | By Daryl Davies
Australian specialist pump designer & manufacturer, Davies, Craig has introduced its newest range of marine, DC powered, electric water pumps.
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01/08/2022 12:00AM
The main function of an engine’s cooling system is to ensure the engine operates at its optimum operating temperature. An automotive engine oper...
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08/06/2021 12:00AM
Who would have thought, that back in the ‘60’s two young Aussies Daryl Davies and Bill Craig would carve out a niche in Australian automotive aftermarket history with their innovative work developing Australian automotive and air conditioning electric fans?
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30/03/2020 12:00AM
What Are The Benefits Of An Davies, Craig Electric Water Pump (EWP)
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06/02/2020 12:00AM
One of the best reasons to upgrade your car’s cooling system with a remote-mounted EWP® or Electric Water Pump is having the original mechanical pump fail. Given the original design hasn’t really changed for decades, and the design itself was simple to begin with, what can go wrong?
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03/10/2019 12:00AM
The Davies Craig Electric Water Pump is a versatile and convenience piece of kit that can be utilised within your engine in a number of ways.
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26/09/2019 12:00AM
When used as an auxiliary to your engine’s standard issue mechanical water pump, a Davies Craig Electric Water Pump will increase the flow of coolant through your engine, particularly when operating under high stress conditions or elevated temperatures.
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19/09/2019 12:00AM
What a lot of our customers in your situation have done with great success is add the EWP® (part no 8005 or 8030) into the lower radiator hose, wired direct to the battery via an on/off thermal switch (part no 0401) and use the EWP® as an auxiliary pump, while retaining the existing mechanical belt driven pump.
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12/09/2019 12:00AM
The EWP® is designed for maximum efficiency at its maximum speed of 2250 rpm. Being in nylon, the impeller can have aerofoil cross section with associated lift, and the tip clearances can be very small.
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05/09/2019 12:00AM
Research and Development. They’re three words that are barely a blip on the radar when it comes to consumers and products. Davies Craig has plenty of experience in this field because its staff is committed to constant improvement.
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21/08/2019 12:00AM
As a world leader in their field, Davies Craig understands that sometimes a return to basics is what is needed. And so, it is with our new seven step series of articles on Electric Water Pumps (EWP®), their associated equipment, and installations.
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07/08/2019 12:00AM
Cooling has improved, with water being replaced by specifically formulated coolants and made to work with iron and alloys and moving that coolant has been the subject of research over the last two decades by Davies Craig.
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01/08/2019 12:00AM
As a world leader in their field, Davies Craig understands that sometimes a return to basics is what’s needed. And so, it’s with our new seven step series of articles on the installation of our Electric Water Pumps (EWP®), their associated equipment.
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18/06/2019 12:00AM
Performance cars, normal cars, cars towing caravans, and hot rods all have one thing in common. Well, two, actually. One is that they’re designed to produce and deal with some impressive numbers in speed, horsepower, and fuel consumption. The second is that they all need some serious cooling.
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04/06/2019 12:00AM
One of the greatest strengths that Davies Craig has is in its straight forward instructions for fitting equipment. Our new Coyote adapter kit is no different, and we recognize that those with a Coyote powered Mustang will like to ensure an easy installation.
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28/05/2019 12:00AM | By John Benson
The new the Digital Gauge Thermatic® Fan / EWP Switch is simple to use and vital to the effective performance of the cooling system for the Thermatic® fans and Electric Water Pumps (EWP®)
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09/05/2019 12:00AM
The team recently sifted through the digital world to find the best pieces of video content that our customers have uploaded showcasing Davies Craig engine cooling products.
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30/04/2019 12:00AM
Davies Craig Electric Water Pumps, Thermatic Fans, Fan Digital Switches, the patented EWP/Fan Digital Controller and associated equipment are like any other part of a car in one critical area. Maintenance.
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05/04/2019 12:00AM
It’s far from standard, but achieving 238kph (148mph) in a VW Beetle is no mean feat and owner Mike Drewer from Adelaide in Australia believes it can go even faster.
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15/03/2019 12:00AM
The summer nightmare, a loaded car, Mum, Dad, three kids, the pets and luggage, top up the fuel tank, and hit the road. Half way to your holiday destination, coolant temperature gauge hits the red line! Pull over, bonnet up and steam pouring from the radiator and coolant floods onto the ground!
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30/11/2018 09:00AM
Davies Craig are renowned as a market leader when it comes to after-market cooling for cars, trucks, and anything else with two, four, or more wheels. Alongside their extensive fan range is a just as extensive range of EWP or Electric Water Pumps.
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